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Net Neutrality

Digital Art

Net Neutrality is the basic principle that prohibits internet service providers like Sky, BT and Virgin from speeding up, slowing down or blocking any content, applications or websites you want to use. It is when all internet traffic is treated the same without discrimination. It is the way the internet has always worked.

Without this, nothing would stop Internet Service Providers from slowing down or blocking content or opinions they disagree with. They can also charge extra fees to the few that can afford to pay — leaving everyone else to a slower tier of service.
The repeal of Net Neutrality allows for the creation of an internet rich and an internet poor – a disparity. This will be evident in what we have access to and the speed with which we can access sites and services.

These experiments seek to visualise the issue by exploring the spatio-temporal dimension of the internet.
The works aim to portray the disparity in internet speeds making use of simple elements such as the ‘loading circle’ icon which is synonymous with speed and time and experimenting with different speeds, showing an object moving through time.

What would the net neutrality repeal mean?
How would it affect the internet’s
spatio-temporal dimension?

The loading circle
representing speed